
Future direction for our churches?

Future direction for our churches?

18 Sep 2021 10:00AM — 12:30PM

10:00–12:30 Saturday 18 Sept., Orcop Village Hall

This meeting is for everyone in the St Weonards group of parishes!

The Deanery to which our parishes belong, Ross and Archenfield, will need to move ahead with six full-time paid clergy instead of seven, with the possibility of a further reduction in future.  This will mean there will need to be some reorganisation and changes in the way we work together.

This meeting has been called so that our Rural Dean, Revd Sean Semple, and Assistant Rural Dean, Revd Tim Starling, and other deanery leaders can hear the needs of our parishes and to begin to understand how we might best deploy our people and resources to minister to and support all our villages well.

We'd love to hear your views, so do come and share your ideas and suggestions.

See this month's newsletter for more details.

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