
Growing in our discipleship

23 Sep 2021 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

Bishop Richard says: 'At it simplest, being a disciple of Jesus is to receive his forgiveness, and then seeking obediently follow his teaching day by day.... Discipleship is not about a particular set of religious practices, or even church activities. It's much more about the choices we make and the heart that lies behind them in the everyday.... Discipleship is about character before it's about activity.  It’s a pursuit of what Paul in his letter to the Galatians calls the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.'

Every interaction, however small, is an opportunity to grow in our discipleship by manifesting such fruit, thereby saying something of the love of Jesus.'

A full transcript of this week's video is available here. For other transcripts, visit the Bishop of Hereford's Message section of the diocesan website.