
Steward the Earth, grow the Kingdom

28 Oct 2021 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

Bishop Richard says: 'It is a proper part of our individual discipleship that we tread lightly, minimising our personal environmental impact as best we can.'

'It is right, good and faithful' that we strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth [the fifth of the Anglican five marks of mission].  'However, simple political activism isn’t going to be quite enough.  If climate change efforts are to be truly effective it will require a change of the heart.'

'It's here that, unpopular though they may be, we mustn’t forget the first two marks of mission: to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom and to teach, baptise and nurture new believers. If behaviour is to change, hearts need to change to facilitate it. There is a call to safeguard the earth and play our part in environmental stewardship. It is part of our discipleship. But there is an equally (some might argue more) important call to live and proclaim the gospel in such a way that individuals come to living faith in Christ.'

A full transcript of this week's video is available here. For other transcripts, visit the Bishop of Hereford's Message section of the diocesan website.