
Christ is with the world

12 Dec 2024 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

In this week's video, Bishop Richard considers how we can find hope in this season of Advent when 'there is much in the news that could make us depressed.'  He reminds us that 'Jesus never promised his followers an easy life.  In fact, he said, “in this world you will have trouble.”'  So where does our hope lie, and what actually is Christian hope?

Reflecting on recent readings from the book of Revelation, Bishop Richard suggests that 'the goal of this writing is to expose a deeper reality lying beneath the one we see.  This is not about changing reality, so much as imbuing events with a deeper significance. It is placing their contemporary history into an eternal perspective.'

'Advent hope lies in our confidence that God is at work moving history to a good conclusion, even when at times it doesn’t feel or even look like it.'

There is a transcript of this week's video on the diocesan website.