
Vicar of St Weonards Benefice

We are delighted that Rev'd Angie Kateley was installed as our new Priest-in-Charge on 1 July 2024.  Please remember Angie in your prayers as she ministers amongst in the St Weonards benefice.

Services and Life Events

If you have an enquiry about our public worship, please view the Services & Events section of our website, or contact a member of one of the PCCs.
If you have a pastoral enquiry, or wish to ask about 'life events' (baptism/christening, wedding, or funeral) please contact our our Priest-in-Charge or a Churchwarden.

Alternatively, just follow the adjacent parish page links to find other contact information.

Priest-in-Charge: Rev'd Angie Kateley 01981 345044

Please note that Angie's rest day is Tuesday.

Rural Dean: Rev'd Sheila Anthony 07775 588716

Ordinand-in-Training (St Weonards): Mrs Alex Mynors Herbert 07890 160632

Associate Minister: Post vacant

Rev'd Dr Frances Phillips retired as a self-supporting minister in September 2022.