St Weonards contacts

Contacts for St Weonards PCC

Choir master & organist
Richard Mynors01981 580208
ChurchwardenAnna Williams01981 580352
Electoral Roll Officer,
Parish Safeguarding
Fiona Mynors01981 580208
Treasurer &
Gift Aid Officer
Stephen Herbert  01981 580667
Other PCC membersPeter Hallewell
Alex Herbert (ordinand in training)
Amanda Johnson
Christine Lewis
Keith Simpson
Angela / David White

01981 580667

Other contacts

Tower Captain                   Peter Hallewell          01981 580203

Data privacy

St Weonards PCC seeks to comply fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 (Part 2: General processing) and the UK General Data Protection Regulations (effective 1 January 2021).  For further details, please refer to the PCC's Data Privacy Notice.

Similar policies and procedures are in place for all parishes in the benefice. Please contact one of the churchwardens for more information.