
May-June 2020 Parish News

May-June 2020 Parish News

23 May 2020 • Parish Magazine

Best wishes to all our readers, wherever you are.

We hope that since our previous publication you have kept well and busy.  If you have a garden, it is probably immaculate by now, but the frost did cause us some challenges.  I must admit that I look forward to the gradual lifting of the lockdown, although it is hard to judge what is the right thing to do.  No doubt life will become easier in due course.  Meanwhile we have enjoyed seeing people at the Sunday Zoom services. If you are not receiving the information on these services and would wish to, please email Frances Phillips for more information or look at the Services & Events section of the benefice website.

This month we have been delighted to receive plenty of humorous material to make you chuckle, including a poem from New Zealand and cartoons from London!  Next month we will probably be collating another newsletter/magazine online, so please get writing again.

As before, we are putting a few hard copies in St Weonards Shop and Broad Oak Garage for those who do not have access to the internet.  Please take a copy to anyone you know who needs one, but we have only printed a few!  Enjoy your reading!  Please download your copy of this month's Parish News HERE.

Fiona Mynors