
Growing through adversity

22 Oct 2020 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

“Blessed are those who pass through the valley of Baca and make it a place of springs.”  Psalm 84:6

Bishop Richard detects a growing weariness about the COVID-19 restrictions, even if most parts of our Diocese are still in the Medium risk tier.  So many aspects of our normal life, especially our ability to meet with others, are currently denied us. We know from the Creation story in Genesis that it's not good for human beings to be alone; relationships are at the heart of a flourishing humanity.

Yet for followers of Jesus, says Bishop Richard, every adverse circumstance is an opportunity for growth in holiness.  Sin exposed and owned can be sin forgiven and character redeemed.

Part of Christian hope lies in the conviction that God’s love manifests itself in our lives through adversity as much as through joy and success.  The Apostle Paul advises us to give thanks in all circumstances, not necessarily for all circumstances.  We grow through adversity to a deeper trust and hope because of, rather than in spite of, things not going the way we’d like them to.

So, even though we can’t meet fully as we’d like, we can still be a comfort and support to one other as we travel through adversity together. Bishop Richard concludes his message by saying: "Whatever your circumstances, may you know the purposeful love of God working through them in the week to come."