
Petertide ordinations

29 Jun 2023 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

In this week's video, Bishop Richard talks about the special call on ordained ministers and welcomes everyone to the ordination services this Saturday 1 July.

Bishop Richard says: "As a result of the ministry of those [being ordained], people will pass from darkness into light; marriages will be restored; people will be healed; communities will be transformed; people will grow to be more like Jesus; broken and hurting people will see something of the power of the Gospel to change lives and accept the invitation to follow Jesus; the bereaved will find comfort in their grief; prayer will be mobilised; God will be at work; and Sunday by Sunday, and at other times, the sacraments will be celebrated and they will prophetically declare 'Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again'.  They will tell the great story of Jesus that will remain the truth, even if no one in our culture believes it."

For more information on those being ordained, visit the Ordinations 2023 section of the diocesan website.

Visit the diocesan website for transcripts of the Bishop of Hereford's Message.