
Removing blockages

13 Jul 2023 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

In this week's video, Bishop Richard talks about how removing blockages in our spiritual lives can lead to rapid spiritual growth.

He reflects on how for St Benedict, the root virtue to be cultivated was humility.  It is an attitude of heart viz-à-viz our relationship with others and with God.  Some of the practices Benedict commended to develop humility are quite painful and counter-intuitive: hide your efforts; use the Ignatian prayer of examen at the end of the day for ruthless self-examination; enjoy giving credit and praise to others; be loathe to correct or contradict people, and welcome correction yourself.

'This is all part of the Christian road of denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following him.  This is not a form of masochism, but a self-forgetfulness, a crucifying of the ego; a becoming less that Christ’s light may shine more clearly out of us.  The new vision statement for the Church of England is simpler, humbler, bolder.  Perhaps the middle one is the best place to start.'

Visit the diocesan website for transcripts of the Bishop of Hereford's Message.