
A message from Vienna

3 Nov 2023 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

In this week's video, Bishop Richard speaks from the 24-7 Prayer international gathering in Vienna.  What he finds 'particularly inspiring is the holistic approach that characterises the 24/7 Prayer movement.  This is not prayer as a sort of spiritual self- indulgence, collapsed in on itself .... This is a devotion that issues in action in a mission that invites people to become followers of Jesus and work for justice.  It is prayer that draws close to God in contemplation, but is then inspired goes out seeking to transform the world in the name of Christ.

As a Diocese, 'we are drawing to the end of our year of prayer before we shift into the year of faith.  That doesn’t mean we’ve done prayer now!  I hope it will encourage us to a deeper personal and corporate practice to undergird what we are to do and be as Christians in this place in this time.  Mother Teresa said something like, “the more I have to do, the more time I have to give to prayer beforehand.”'

Follow the links for more info on the 24-7 Prayer Lectio 365 App and The Prayer Course.

Visit the diocesan website for transcripts of the Bishop of Hereford's Message.